Yeah, they claim they have the 'Best and Funny Video's .. serving the world's best videos.
It's even featured in this article, Which Video Site is the Best?
Metacafe: A great video site and probably 2nd most popular to Youtube. You don't get great feedback from the viewers like you do on Youtube, but if your videos reach 20,000 views, it starts earning 5 dollars per 1,000 views.
Want to contribute to it?
Yes, you can make money from that.

Here - Join up!
Some questions, answered:
Payments and Earnings FAQ’s
Q: What kind of money can I make at Metacafe?
A: It’s all straightforward and not as difficult to figure out as “advertising revenue sharing.” At Metacafe, we pay you US$5 per 1,000 views. Payment begins after you pass the initial thresholds (20,000 views and a 3.00 rating). Some videos on Metacafe score over a million views, providing a sweet monthly paycheck — or just enough to cover your triple-expresso-venti-latte-with-the-whipped-cream habit.Q: How you get paid:
A: A company called Payoneer handles our payments and offers three options:
- PayPal (you must be at least 18 for this option — PayPal’s rules, not ours)
- Direct deposit to a bank account (U.S. citizens only)
- Prepaid MasterCard mailed to you (works just like cash wherever debit cards are accepted). We even decorated the card so you can flaunt your mastery of video making wherever you shop.
You can change your payment method anytime you like — just contact Payoneer. Note: Any PayPal issues are your responsibility — Payoneer will notify you if it has problems transferring money to your PayPal account, but it’s up to you to resolve the issue.
Good luck, mate!