Get Paid to Submit Tips on DayTipper!

Now this is something too cool. It's way cool.

DayTipper (I SO luv that name) lets you submit tips ranging from daily life, to dealing with money, and everything else. Come on, it pays you $3 for your submitted tip (if accepted). How cool is that? If approved, you'll be getting that $3 adding up with more $3s.......

>> Join DayTipper Now!

Note: This site is really quite simple. No referral links or anything like that, but just a community to help others, and when there's a new tip avail, a $3 check-out will be sent to that person, but even better yet, you can send that off to charity.

Also, it's so fun. This is a totally helping site. You can save tips to your favorites and add comments! You can decide whether a tip is helpful or not. Hope you find it useful!

You can also check out the finance/money category to find some useful tips to help you make some money online or in real life.

Google Search Money
